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    Written by DafaNews
    Kobe Bryant

    Kobe Bryant’s 10 Rules

    May 18, 2022


    Kobe Bryant is possibly one of the greatest NBA players of all-time and the greatest Laker ever. Two jersey numbers in the rafters at the STAPLES Center prove it. Kobe was able to take over games in ways that not many players could.

    His drive to win at any cost helped him succeed on and off the court. An 18-time NBA All-Star, five-time NBA champion and one-time NBA MVP, Kobe tragically passed away on January 26, 2020. Kobe’s game was influenced by Michael Jordan, he never denied it. He averaged 25.0 points, 5.2 rebounds and 4.7 assists in 1,346 career games with the Lakers

    Kobe worked like he had no talent, then he played like he believed he was the best player in the world. Prepare with humility; perform with confidence, that’s one of the many lessons he taught us.

    Now without further ado Kobe’s 10 Rules:

    1. Get better every single day

    2. Prove them wrong

    3. Work on your weaknesses

    4. Execute what you practiced

    5. Learn from greatness

    6. Learn from wins and losses

    7. Practice mindfulness

    8. Be ambitious

    9. Believe in your team

    10. Learn storytelling

    Rule No. 1

    Kobe Bryant shared what advice he gave his daughters in an interview with Complex. The question was more about basketball, but Kobe’s response wound up being about life in general, which is even better.

    The advice was extremely simple but he explained it in a way that made it more impactful. He said:

    “Get better every day. That’s all. You have really lofty ambitions and dreams that can materialize 15 or 20 years from now, but the only way to get there is to get better every day. A little bit every day. That’s it. Then when you fast forward years from now, and all of a sudden you look back and you have this great thing you created. The Sistine Chapel was not created in one day. It was done piece by piece. And that’s the same way we live. That’s certainly what I tell my daughters.”

    About the Author

    Written by DafaNews

    DafaNews brings you the most highlighted news in the world of Sports. It serves you up-to-date matches, scores, live streams, fantasy games and quizzes. Our news covers prestigious leagues and events – Premier League, Champions League, World Cup and many more.

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