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    Written by DafaNews
    Jose Mourinho AS Roma

    Jose Mourinho Rules Out Retirement

    April 7, 2022


    Previously Mourinho had admitted that he planned to retire at the age of 60 or 65. The current boss of Roma is about to turn 60, so many are wondering if he is ready to say goodbye to the pitches.

    Mou has been coaching for three decades and has two more years left on his contract with Roma. In a conversation with Jose Tolentino de Mendonca, a Roman Catholic Cardinal, Mou revealed his plans for the future.

    The most important revelation made by the Portuguese is that he hopes to continue managing teams for many more years.

    “On the way to a match, I mean leaving the hotel, getting off the bus, arriving at the stadium, the walk to the dressing room, the walk from the dressing room to the pitch before the start of the match, there is a lot of spirituality in all of this,” Mourinho told L’Osservatore Romano, per Football Italia.

    “It is never a routine, no matter how many times you play in the same stadium, and you always do the same route, it is a moment that has something that you can’t see, but that you can feel a lot. I think it is of an enormous beauty and I think that the day I stop coaching, which I hope will not be soon, will be perhaps the thing that I will miss the most.

    “To feel this dimension that takes me in directions that I have never shared with anyone, and that today perhaps I share for the first time. Walking towards the game and talking to Him [God].”

    Although it seems that Mou’s best years are behind him, and he is no longer the same winning coach that went through Real Madrid, Chelsa, or Inter, the truth is that he still has excellent capacity and much to offer the world of football.


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    Written by DafaNews

    DafaNews brings you the most highlighted news in the world of Sports. It serves you up-to-date matches, scores, live streams, fantasy games and quizzes. Our news covers prestigious leagues and events – Premier League, Champions League, World Cup and many more.

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